Show Your Work 05

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

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Tell Good Stories.

Work Doesn't Speak for Itself.

Close your eyes and imagine you're a wealthy collector who's just entered a gallery in an art museum. On the wall facing you there are two gigantic canvases, each more than 10 feet tall. Both paintings depict a harbor at sunset. From across the room, they look identical: the same ships, the same reflections on the water, the same sun at the same stage of setting. You go in for a closer look. You can't find a label or a museum tag anywhere. You become obsessed with the paintings, which you nickname Painting A and Painting B. You spend an hour going back and forth from canvas to canvas, comparing brushstrokes. You can't detect a single difference.

Words & phrases

gigantic adj.巨大的,庞大的

The gigantic natural harbour is a haven for boats.



  • n.港,海港;避难所

  • v.庇护;窝藏;怀有;为……提供庇护;入港停泊;居住,生存

The Statue of Liberty towers stands above the harbor of New York.



  • n.绰号,外号

  • v.给……起绰号;叫错名字

She professed to hate her nickname.


brushstroke n.一笔;笔的一划;绘画技巧

He paints with harsh, slashing brushstrokes.


Just as you go to fetch a museum guard or someone who can shed light on these mysterious twin masterpieces, the head curator of the museum walks in. You eagerly inquire as to the origins of your new obsessions. The curator tells you that Painting A was painted in the 17th century by a Dutch master. "And what of Painting B?" you ask. "Ah yes, Painting B," the curator says. "That's a forgery. It was copied last week by a graduate student at the local art college."

Look up at the paintings. Which canvas looks better now? Which one do you want to take home?

Words & phrases

fetch v.(去)拿来,(去)找来;售得,卖得;推导出,演绎出;吸引,迷住;抵达,到达;<非正式>给(某人)以(重重的一击或一巴掌)

He went to fetch some books.



  • n.卫兵,警卫;看守,保卫,警戒;列车长;保护装置;(英国的)禁卫军;(篮球)后卫;(拳击运动员的)防御姿势

  • v.守卫,保卫;看守,监视;警惕,防范;保护,维护

A guard was posted outside the building.


shed light on 阐明,使......清楚:揭示或解释某事物,使其更加清晰或易于理解。

A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.


inquire v.调查,查究;询问,打听

He went to the desk to inquire and make a reservation.


obsessions n.癖好;着迷;使人痴迷的的人或物;强迫意念(obsession 的复数)

But as I re-read Watson's advice, I think about my goals and obsessions.


forgery / ˈfɔːrdʒəri / n.伪造,伪造罪;伪造品,赝品

He was found guilty of forgery.


Art forgery is a strange phenomenon. "You might think that the pleasure you get from a painting depends on its color and its shape and its pattern," says psychology professor Paul Bloom. "And if that's right, it shouldn't matter whether it's an original or a forgery." But our brains don't work that way. "When shown an object, or given a food, or shown a face, people's assessment of it—how much they like it, how valuable it is—is deeply affected by what you tell them about it."

Words & phrases

psychology / saɪˈkɑːlədʒi / n.心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意

Abraham Maslow described psychology as "the science of being."


assessment n.评估,评价;估价,估计

The college has a highly formalized system of assessment.


In their book, Significant Objects, Joshua Glenn and Rob Walker recount an experiment in which they set out to test this hypothesis: "Stories are such a powerful driver of emotional value that their effect on any given object's subjective value can actually be measured objectively." First, they went out to thrift stores, flea markets, and yard sales and bought a bunch of "insignificant" objects for an average of $1.25 an object. Then, they hired a bunch of writers, both famous and not-so-famous, to invent a story "that attributed significance" to each object. Finally, they listed each object on eBay, using the invented stories as the object's description, and whatever they had originally paid for the object as the auction's starting price. By the end of the experiment, they had sold $128.74 worth of trinkets for $3,612.51.

Words & phrases


  • v.叙述,说明;重数,重新清点(选票)

  • n.重新计算,重点选票;叙述,说明

It would take more energy to recount the votes.


set out to 开始一段旅程

They set out to explore the jungle.


thrift n.节约,节俭;海石竹;<美>储蓄机构

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.


thrift store 二手商店:出售二手物品的商店,通常是为了慈善目的而设立的。

I found a vintage dress at the thrift store.


flea n.跳蚤

I really enjoyed going to the flea market.


flea market 跳蚤市场:一个通常是露天的市场,用于出售二手物品和古董。

Every Sunday, there is a flea market in the city center where you can find all sorts of interesting items.



  • n.小装饰品;不值钱的小玩意儿

  • vi.密谋

Women immersed in buying trinkets and jewelries from street sellers.


"To fake a photograph, all you have to do is change the caption. To fake a painting, change the attribution."
—Errol Morris

Words matter. Artists love to trot out the tired line, "My work speaks for itself," but the truth is, our work doesn't speak for itself. Human beings want to know where things came from, how they were made, and who made them. The stories you tell about the work you do have a huge effect on how people feel and what they understand about your work, and how people feel and what they understand about your work effects how they value it.

Words & phrases

trot out / trɑːt / 引领马匹走出并展示其步态;拿出某物以展示或使用,特别是用于引出新的借口或理由

They trot out a plausible theory with computer models to go with it.


  • n.(马等动物的)小跑,慢跑;骑马小跑;人的小步跑;<非正式>腹泻,拉稀(the trots);<澳,非正式>走运时期,倒霉时期;<澳,非正式>快步马驾车赛(the trots);(学生用来作弊的)笔记,答案;<英,非正式>(侮辱性用语)左倾分子,托派分子;刚学步的小孩;老太婆

  • v.(马等四足动物)快步,疾走;步行,走;<非正式>小步快跑,疾行;骑马小跑;<非正式>连珠炮似地说,急匆匆地做

Her horse broke into a trot.


tired line: 枯燥乏味的对白、陈词滥调

"Why should we describe the frustrations and turning points in the lab, or all the hours of groundwork and failed images that precede the final outcomes?" asks artist Rachel Sussman. "Because, rarified exceptions aside, our audience is a human one, and humans want to connect. Personal stories can make the complex more tangible, spark associations, and offer entry into things that might otherwise leave one cold."

Words & phrases

frustrations n.令人懊恼(或沮丧)的事物(frustration 的复数)

It might be worth taking a long hard look at your frustrations and resentments.


turning point 转折点:一个重要的变化发生的时刻

The discovery of penicillin was a turning point in the history of medicine.


groundwork n.基础;地基,根基;准备工作

Yesterday's meeting was to lay the groundwork for the task ahead.


precede v.处在……之前,先于;在……之前做(或说);比……更重要,比……(级别)更高

He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.


rarified exceptions aside 除了少数例外


  • adj.纯净的;稀薄的

  • v.使变稀薄(rarify 的过去式)

How this rarified group USES their cash differentiates them from the rest of us - and keeps them in the black.



  • adj.明确的,真实的;可触摸的,可感知的

  • n.可触知的东西

Unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.



  • n.导火线,诱因;火花,火星;电火花;一丝,略微;生气,活力,才华;愤怒的情感,激烈的情绪;<非正式>军队中对无线电报务员(或电工)的昵称(Sparks);生龙活虎的小伙子;(内燃机里火花塞的)放电

  • v.引发,触发;产生火花(电火花);点燃;增加趣味(或活力、风味等);求婚

The proposal would spark a storm of protest around the country.


spark associations: 引发联想

Your work doesn't exist in a vacuum. Whether you realize it or not, you're already telling a story about your work. Every email you send, every text, every conversation, every blog comment, every tweet, every photo, every video—they're all bits and pieces of a multimedia narrative you're constantly constructing. If you want to be more effective when sharing yourself and your work, you need to become a better storyteller. You need to know what a good story is and how to tell one.

Words & phrases


  • n.记叙文,叙述;叙事技巧

  • adj.叙述的;叙事体的

The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity.


"‘The cat sat on a mat' is not a story. ‘The cat sat on the dog's mat' is a story."
—John le Carré

Words & phrases

mat n.地垫,垫子;团,簇

Wipe your feet on the mat before you come in, please.


Structure Is Everything.

"In the first act, you get your hero up a tree. The second act, you throw rocks at him. For the third act, you let him down."
—George Abbott

Words & phrases

throw rocks at 扔石头:用力地向某人或某物投掷石头,通常是出于攻击或恶作剧的目的。

The kids were throwing rocks at the stray dog, which made me very angry.


The most important part of a story is its structure. A good story structure is tidy, sturdy, and logical. Unfortunately, most of life is messy, uncertain, and illogical. A lot of our raw experiences don't fit neatly into a traditional fairy tale or a Hollywood plot. Sometimes we have to do a lot of cropping and editing to fit our lives into something that resembles a story. If you study the structure of stories, you start to see how they work, and once you know how they work, you can then start stealing story structures and filling them in with characters, situations, and settings from your own life.

Words & phrases


  • adj.结实的,坚固的;(人或身体)强壮的,健壮的;坚决的,坚定的

  • n.(绦虫幼虫在脑中形成包囊使绵羊产生的)晕倒病,蹒跚病

They would peel large sheets of bark from the tree to form lightweight yet sturdy canoes.


neatly adv.整齐地;简单而聪明地

She summarized her plan very neatly.



  • n.(照片)裁剪

  • v.修剪;收割(crop 的现在分词)

Over five generations the land has been too wet for cropping.


fit xx into 适合于某个位置的大小和形状;与一群人的文化或社会地位相似

The couch won't fit into the small living room.


resemble v.像,与……相似

Stunt people must resemble the stars they stand in for.


Most story structures can be traced back to myths and fairy tales. Emma Coats, a former storyboard artist at Pixar, outlined the basic structure of a fairy tale as a kind of Mad Lib that you can fill in with your own elements: "Once upon a time, there was _. Every day, _. One day, _. Because of that, _. Because of that, _. Until finally, _." Pick your favorite story and try to fill in the blanks. It's striking how often it works.

Words & phrases

fill in the blanks


Please fill in the blanks on the application form.



He didn't tell me everything, so I had to fill in the blanks myself.



  • adj.惊人的,异常的;妩媚动人的,标致的;罢工的;打击的

  • n.撞击,碰撞

  • v.打,撞;(用手或武器等)打;罢工(strike 的现在分词形式)

They shouldn't be striking for more money.


Philosopher Aristotle said a story had a beginning, a middle, and an end. Author John Gardner said the basic plot of nearly all stories is this: "A character wants something, goes after it despite opposition (perhaps including his own doubts), and so arrives at a win, lose, or draw." I like Gardner's plot formula because it's also the shape of most creative work: You get a great idea, you go through the hard work of executing the idea, and then you release the idea out into the world, coming to a win, lose, or draw. Sometimes the idea succeeds, sometimes it fails, and more often than not, it does nothing at all. This simple formula can be applied to almost any type of work project: There's the initial problem, the work done to solve the problem, and the solution.

Words & phrases

goes after it despite opposition 不顾反对,勇往直前

go after 追求、追逐、追捕或攻击

The detective decided to go after the criminal and bring him to justice.



  • v. ...

  • n.和局,不分胜负;抽彩,抽签;由抽签决定对手的比赛,由抽签决定对手的系列比赛;有吸引力的人(或事物);吸烟;抽签,抓阄;〈非正式〉大麻制品;拔枪;抽彩,抽奖;有吸引力的人(或事物)

They managed an honourable 2–2 draw.


more often than not 经常发生的;大多数情况下:发生的时间超过一半以上。

More often than not, I prefer to stay at home on weekends.


Of course, when you're in the middle of a story, as most of us in life are, you don't know if it's a story at all, because you don't know how far into it you are, and you don't know how it's going to end. Fortunately, there's a way to tell open-ended stories, where we acknowledge that we're smack-dab in the middle of a story, and we don't know how it all ends.

Words & phrases

open-ended adj.开放式的;无限制的;自由回答的;两端未封闭的

The essay is something you can still control, and it's open-ended.


smack-dab / smæk dæb / adv.不偏不倚地,正好地

The ball landed smack-dab at his feet.


how it all ends: 这一切如何结束

Don't tell me how it ends I haven't read all the way through yet.


Every client presentation, every personal essay, every cover letter, every fund-raising request—they're all pitches. They're stories with the endings chopped off. A good pitch is set up in three acts: The first act is the past, the second act is the present, and the third act is the future. The first act is where you've been—what you want, how you came to want it, and what you've done so far to get it. The second act is where you are now in your work and how you've worked hard and used up most of your resources. The third act is where you're going, and how exactly the person you're pitching can help you get there. Like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, this story shape effectively turns your listener into the hero who gets to decide how it ends.

Words & phrases

cover letter 求职信:附在简历上的一封信,用于解释求职原因或提供更多信息。

Make sure to include a cover letter when submitting your job application.


fund-raising n.筹募基金活动

My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise regularly.



chopped v.砍;斩碎;大量削减(chop 的过去分词)

He chopped a branch off the tree.


A good pitch 一个好的提案


  • n.俯仰;铺地石;投手投球

  • adj.倾斜的;陡的

  • v.使倾斜(pitch 的 ing 形式);投掷;用沥青涂;为……定调

She started pitching into me as soon as I arrived.



Whether you're telling a finished or unfinished story, always keep your audience in mind. Speak to them directly in plain language. Value their time. Be brief. Learn to speak. Learn to write. Use spell-check. You're never "keeping it real" with your lack of proofreading and punctuation, you're keeping it unintelligible.

Everybody loves a good story, but good storytelling doesn't come easy to everybody. It's a skill that takes a lifetime to master. So study the great stories and then go find some of your own. Your stories will get better the more you tell them.

Words & phrases


  • n.拼写检查

  • vt.检查拼写

This model allows you to spell-check over 100,000 different words.


proofreading v.校对(proofread 的现在分词)

Attentive proofreading is the only insurance against the kind of omissions described in this section.


unintelligible adj.莫名其妙的;无法了解的

He muttered something unintelligible.


Talk About Yourself at Parties.

"You got to make your case."
—Kanye West

Words & phrases

got to 不得不,必须;开始;已到达

You got to come clean about things.


make your case 为自己的观点或立场辩护,提出有力的证据或理由

You need to make your case if you want to convince the boss to give you a raise.


We've all been there. You're standing at a party, enjoying your drink, when a stranger approaches, introduces herself, and asks the dreaded question, "So, what do you do?"

Words & phrases

dreaded / ˈdredɪd /

  • adj.令人畏惧的,可怕的

  • v.惧怕(dread 的过去分词)

The dreaded moment had finally arrived.


If you happen to be a doctor or a teacher or a lawyer or a plumber, congratulations. You may proceed without caution. For the rest of us, we're going to need to practice our answers.

Words & phrases

plumber n.水管工人,水电工

In my view, it is just as great an achievement to be a plumber or a bricklayer as it is to be a lawyer or a doctor.



  • v.开始行动,开展;<正式>继续做(或从事、进行);(完成其他事后)继续做某事;<正式>行进,前往;起诉某人;来自,出自

  • n.(某个事件或活动的)收入,收益

They had to take the finely balanced decision to let the visit proceed.



  • n.小心,谨慎;提醒,告诫;(警察向犯轻罪的人发出的)警告

  • v.警告,提醒

Caution! This truck is reversing.


Artists have it the worst. If you answer, "I'm a writer," for example, there's a very good chance that the next question will be, "Oh, have you published anything?" which is actually a veiled way of asking, "Do you make any money off that?"

Words & phrases

veiled / veɪld /

  • adj.蒙上面纱的,蒙面的;含蓄的,掩饰的;隐藏的,不清楚的

  • v.戴面纱;掩饰,遮掩(veil 的过去式和过去分词)

A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile.


The way to get over the awkwardness in these situations is to stop treating them as interrogations, and start treating them as opportunities to connect with somebody by honestly and humbly explaining what it is that you do. You should be able to explain your work to a kindergartner, a senior citizen, and everybody in between. Of course, you always need to keep your audience in mind: The way you explain your work to your buddies at the bar is not the way you explain your work to your mother.

Words & phrases

awkwardness n.尴尬;笨拙

In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick apology to explain your awkwardness.


interrogations / ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n / n.[法]审问(interrogation 的复数);[计] [通信]询问

She hated her parents' endless interrogations about where she'd been.


humbly adv.谦恭地,谦虚地

'Sorry,' she said humbly.


kindergartner n.幼儿园教师;幼儿园里的小孩

Michael took command of the group even as a chubby-cheeked kindergartner.



  • n.伙伴,好朋友(buddy 的复数形式)

  • v.交朋友(buddy 的第三人称单数形式)

They were bosom buddies.


at the bar 在酒吧:指在酒吧里喝酒或社交活动。

I met him at the bar last night.


Just because you're trying to tell a good story about yourself doesn't mean you're inventing fiction. Stick to nonfiction. Tell the truth and tell it with dignity and self-respect. If you're a student, say you're a student. If you work a day job, say you work a day job. (For years, I said, "By day I'm a web designer, and by night I write poetry.") If you have a weird hybrid job, say something like, "I'm a writer who draws." (I stole that bio from the cartoonist Saul Steinberg.) If you're unemployed, say so, and mention what kind of work you're looking for. If you're employed, but you don't feel good about your job title, ask yourself why that is. Maybe you're in the wrong line of work, or maybe you're not doing the work you're supposed to be doing. (There were many years where answering, "I'm a writer," felt wrong, because I wasn't actually writing.) Remember what the author George Orwell wrote: "Autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful."

Words & phrases

with dignity 有尊严地,有尊严

Lower it slowly and with dignity.


self-respect n.自重,自尊

There's a lot of talk these days about giving children self-respect.


bio n.个人简历,小传

you're in the wrong line of work 你入错行了

autobiography n.自传;自传体写作

His autobiography was written late in life.



Have empathy for your audience. Anticipate blank stares. Be ready for more questions. Answer patiently and politely.

Words & phrases

have empathy for 对…感同身受

Have empathy for your boss and the pressures he may be under.


anticipate blank stares 预料到会有茫然的目光

stares v.盯着看,凝视:长时间、持续地看着某物或某人,通常是因为惊讶、好奇或不安。

He stares at the painting for a long time.


All the same principles apply when you start writing your bio. Bios are not the place to practice your creativity. We all like to think we're more complex than a two-sentence explanation, but a two-sentence explanation is usually what the world wants from us. Keep it short and sweet.

Words & phrases

principles apply 适用原则:指某个原则或规则适用于某种情况或某个人。

The same principles apply to both situations.


two sentence 两句话的

keep it short and sweet 短而美妙;广告创作中有一条KISS原则,即短而美妙(keep it short and sweet),当今凡事都追求快捷高效,广告制作者创作时既要考虑这一因素,还要注重省时省力、经济实效。

keep it short and sweet 言简意赅:用最简单、最直接的方式表达自己的意思,不要过多地赘述或废话。

When giving a speech, it's important to keep it short and sweet.


Strike all the adjectives from your bio. If you take photos, you're not an "aspiring" photographer, and you're not an "amazing" photographer, either. You're a photographer. Don't get cute. Don't brag. Just state the facts.

Words & phrases


  • v.打,撞;(用手或武器等)打;(使)碰撞;罢工;突然想到,突然意识到;突然袭击;(疾病、灾难等)侵袭;(闪电)击中;引起(强烈感情);(时钟)敲响;达成(协议,妥协),达到(平衡);发现(黄金,矿物,石油);铸造(硬币、奖牌);删除;踢球,击球;攻球得分;使处于特定状态;让(某人)觉得;摆出(姿态);照在……上;把……迷住;弹奏,奏出;划(火柴), 击出(火星);直击(要害),与…...起(原则性)冲突;(在争斗、竞争等中)取得先机;触发(电弧);(电影摄影术)复制;(金融用语)结算,算出;<加>组成(委员会);拆除(帐篷,戏剧布景);降(帆,旗)(以示敬意或投降);把(枝)插进土里生根;(植物,扦插)生根;(小牡蛎)附着;(渔)急拉钓线把鱼钩住;行进;来到;闯出(或开辟)新的(或独立的)事业

  • n.罢工,罢市,罢课;(军事)打击;击,踢;(石油等宝贵资源的)发现;(投出的)好球;(棒球中的)击空;(十柱保龄球)一投全倒;不利因素;拒绝,抗拒;(渔)(对已上钩的鱼)急拉钓线;(地层、断层等地质特征的)走向

The lion crouched ready to strike.



  • v.吹牛,自

  • n.大话,夸耀之词;勃莱格牌戏(简化的扑克牌戏)

  • adj.<美,非正式>卓越的,一流的

One secret I learned very early on was not to brag about success.


One more thing: Unless you are actually a ninja, a guru, or a rock star, don't ever use any of those terms in your bio. Ever.

Words & phrases

ninja / ˈnɪndʒə / n.忍者;(受过偷窃技术专门训练被雇作间谍或刺客的)日本武士

You code like a ninja.


guru n.古鲁(印度教或锡克教的宗教导师或领袖);专家,权威

The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru.


"Whatever we say, we're always talking about ourselves."
—Alison Bechdel